As I became older my drug use continued to grow as well. By the time I was fifteen I was doing cocaine, acid, crack, and pain pills. Not only was I using these drugs but I was selling them as well. I had the popularity that I was looking for but at what cost to myself, my body, and my life. The great relations that I had with my family slowly began to fall away as I sought to separate myself from them in hopes that they would not discover my addiction to drugs.
Physically my body began to deteriorate and my performance in school began to decline greatly. I went from being a straight A student to barely passing my classes, when I attended them at all. Eventually my family caught on to my addiction and confronted me on it. This led to family therapy, which did not even come close to handling the true problem at hand (my drug case). I was then kicked out of my home for a period of one week in hopes that I would wise up and seek the help that I so desperately needed. Of course at age fifteen I did not think I had a problem and had the typical teenage attitude of, "I am invincible and immortal nothing can hurt me.
As several more years passed my drug habit increased along with all the negative effects it had on my body and my family. When I was 18 years old I was arrested for misdemeanor possession of marijuana and placed on probation for a year. During this time my drug use increased and I found myself now using heroin. My probation was revoked due to violation of probation conditions and I was sentenced to 100 days in city jail. After I was released from jail, I instantly returned to my old habits of selling and using drugs.
By the time I was 21 years of age I was shooting up 300 to 400 dollars a day worth of heroin along with using cocaine and marijuana on a regular basis. Through my selling of drugs I was able to purchase a house, spa, big screen TV and live a life of wealth and women. Yet, I was still living the nightmare of my drug addiction and eventually lost everything that I had worked so hard for over the years. I finally came to the realization that I had to do something about my addiction but had no idea where to turn for help. I decided to call my mom and let her know, fully, the condition of my drug addiction. That’s when we found the Narconon Arrowhead drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.
I admit that at first I was scared and skeptical about the success that I would have overcoming my addiction, yet as my time at Narconon Arrowhead progressed and I completed more steps of the program, I quickly began to realize that there was a great possibility I would be able to live my life without drugs. I graduated from the Narconon Arrowhead program on March 23rd 2001, and have been completely clean and sober since then.
The program at Narconon Arrowhead has completely changed my life for the better. I no longer have any doubt about completing anything I wish to accomplish and have the ability to confront anything that I am faced with. The relations between my family and I are more than I could ever have hoped for. I am in complete communication with all members of my family and am an inspiration to them. Since the Narconon program I have become a successful contributing member of my family and society.
I can honestly say that Narconon® helped me save my life and continues to do so for others on a daily basis. I married another successful graduate and have two beautiful sons. We are living and working in Colorado. My wife is going to school to become a Registered Nurse and I am a corporate representative for a fortune three hundred company. We are two successful graduates who are active in our community and always available to help others who are in need.
Thank you Narconon Arrowhead for giving me the chance to be not only a son but a husband and father too. And I want give a special thank you to L. Ron Hubbard for providing me the technology that saved my life.
Chris Red
Narconon Arrowhead Graduate (March 23rd 2001)
(Angela Red, Narconon Arrowhead Graduate, October 25th 2002)
If you know someone who needs help with drug or alcohol addiction or would like more information about the Narconon Arrowhead Field Representative program please call 1-800-468-6933 and ask for DannaSue Pruett-Lafitte or Richard McNamara.
Together, we are saving lives, reuniting families, and making stronger communities
through effective drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
©2008 Narconon of Oklahoma, Inc. All rights reserved.
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